
Enterprise Security Features

Take more control of your account with our new security features, including Buyer Permissions and User Invitation controls




Enterprise-level Security

To support our customers who have large operations with multiple procurement or sales teams who might have separate business focuses, we have introduced a number of changes for administrators.


Buyer Permissions (aka Buyer Filtering)


Specifically designed for suppliers who have teams or members of their procurement team who focus on designated customer accounts. The Buyer Permissions feature allows administrators to choose which buyers transactions are shown to a particular assignee/user. This then filters the transaction screen for that assignee/user so that they only see the transactions for those selected buyer accounts.


To see more about how this works, please read our help article here

User Invitation Controls



To give administrators greater control over who is allowed access to their organisations account, we are introducing the option for admins to choose whether they allow standard users to send invitations to new users or whether they restrict the function to admins only


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