Supplier part number field - small steps towards smarter trade
Learn how our new "Supplier part number" field can enhance your operational efficiency
A small change with a great intention
As you (hopefully) already noticed, we've added a new field to the PO - called Supplier part number. Here's a few ways it can benefit you in both long and short term.
1. Improved printables.
More clarity in order fulfilling, picking & packing, invoicing. Simple field, simple benefits.
2. Buyer and Supplier part number mapping.
It will help us better understand the data and offer improved analytics & reporting. Eventually, you may see improvements in trade efficiency - auto suggestions and smarter quoting.
3. Fewer comments!
We know one of the most time-wasting experiences is inevitably reading comments for vital information. With Supplier part number field, you have the important information handy at all times - on your printables and in your Trade application.