New Document View
Improved user experience viewing documents in ShipServ can increase your productivity - New Document View streamlines how you read a transaction.
Consolidated view
You gave us feedback on ways we could improve your experience of ShipServ and we listened! No more tabbing between header and line-item information or scanning different panels of information searching for what you need. Know all you need to know about your transaction from just one screen, with the most important information displayed without you having to click anywhere.
Configure your line-up for line-items!
Line-items have had a makeover too, allowing you to add and remove fields and even change the order of the columns based upon your own preferences (just drag and drop).
Oh, and you can now copy a selection or all of your line-items by hitting Ctrl-A so that you can paste into another application… that could come in very handy!
To discover more about New Document View, including the updates to Transaction History and Variances please read our help article HERE